There are many dance organizations in New England and around the country that will be happy to provide you with information on dancing in their area. Some of them might also host swing dances and classes.

Below you'll find information for Boston, Massachusetts, and New England. On a separate page, you'll be able to find information for the individual non-New England states. There is information available for Canada and various US national organizations.

If you believe your organization should be listed here or if you have corrections for any listings here, please write to". If you hold dances on a regular basis, you should (also) probably be listed on the pages for dancing in Boston, in New England, or on the individual state pages. Don't forget to read the list of Frequently Asked Questions before sending your information in.

Boston-area Groups and Organizations

Swing Time
Boston's Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Swing and Ballroom Dance Group. 617-364-7207.

Massachusetts chapter of the US Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association.

General Information:

West Coast Swing Boston

Boston-area Colleges

MIT Ballroom Dance Club
Cambridge, MA. 617-258-6554

Harvard-Radcliffe Ballroom Dance Club


Cape Cod Ballroom Dancers
The Cape and Island Chapter of the US Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association (now USA Dance). For more information, contact

Berkshire Country chapter of USA Dance
Social ballroom dancing in Pittsfield once a month.

South Shore Dancers
Social ballroom dancing club that holds dances south of Boston. Monthly dances and weekly practices. For more information, contact South Shore Dancers at P.O. Box 276, Norwell, MA 02061 or call Tom Osterland at 781-659-4703.

General Information:


New England

Hartford logo
Hartford Swing Dance
West Hartford/Wethersfield area. Live band and recorded music dances every month
shoreline logo
Shoreline Swing Dance Society
southeastern Connecticut. Live band dances on the third Saturday of the month.

General Information:

New England DanceNet
Focuses mostly on Ballroom and not associated with this website.

Rhode Island Chapter of the USA Dance.
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USA Dance, Greater Hartford Chapter
Amateur Ballroom Dancer Association serving Greater Hartford, Connecticut.

New London chapter of USA Dance
New London (close to the Rhode Island border).

New England Colleges

Brown University's Swing Club
For more information, contact

Dartmouth Swing Club
Monthly dances on the 2nd Sunday of the month at Dartmouth College, Hanover. For more information, contact club president Sean Gao at 281-725-2062.

UConn Ballroom Dance Club & Competition Team
For more information, contact

Brown University Ballroom Dance Club
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National Organizations

World Swing Dance Council
Tracks swing dance competitors to manage the levels of competitions that dancers enter. For more information, contact Annie Hirsch.

National Association of Swing Dance Events

USA Dance
Soon to be formerly known as the US Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association. For information, contact

National Ballroom & Entertainment Association
For more information, write to

The American Bop Association
The American Bop Associations is a non-profit corporation formed to promote and preserve the dance styles and music of those dances known as Bop, Swing, Shag, and Jitterbug. For information, contact
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National Fastdance Association
Group of affiliated members dedicated to the promotion and preservation of dance styles known as Bop, Shag, East and West Coast Swing, DC Hand Dance, Push, Whip, Lindy and Jitterbug. For more information, write to Bill Maddox.

International Hustle Dance Association
For more information:
In Massachusetts, contact Kim Vanaman
In Connecticut, contact Angelina Capalbo

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